Don't Put Your Health On Hold - Catalyst Medical Center + Clinical Spa

Don’t Put Your Health On Hold

Don't Put Your Health On Hold

Preventative Care

The pandemic has driven a need to adapt to so many new challenges, from learning new ways to get needed supplies, to finding new methods to engage, educate, and entertain one another. Certainly not least among these new obstacles are the limitations surrounding how to access and continue the preventive care you need to maintain your health. Now more than ever, it is crucial to stay on top of routine health visits and minor health concerns! Don’t put your health on hold.

Preventive healthcare is more important now than ever, and here’s why!




The Dangers Of Waiting...

A visit to the doctor’s office may seem unsettling during this time—but the risks of ignoring ongoing, preventive health care are not small. Setting aside small health issues can become large health issues if left unchecked, in an atmosphere where patients with chronic or worsening conditions are also at the highest risk for COVID-19 infection, preventive care plays an increasingly important role.

Your well-being is not elective and should not be ignored.

Safe Precautions For Patients and Staff

At Catalyst, we’ve made several changes to our practice to ensure a safe environment for both patients and our staff. During your visit, you can expect increased sanitation, a temperature check, sneeze barriers, screening questions, masks worn by all patients and staff, social distancing measures and more to keep you safe.

Virtual Visits

Virtual office visits…online medicine…telehealth…no matter how you refer to it, this new approach to health care is quickly becoming a proven method to safely, conveniently engage the care you need while maintaining the social distancing safety practices! This form of healthcare allows you to visit with your healthcare professionals from the comfort of your home. Many ENT, Allergy, and Dermatology concerns can be evaluated through our virtual platform. Take advantage of this convienent option!

Your well-being is not elective— don’t put your health on hold!

Catalyst offers medical availability in Fargo, Jamestown, and Detroit Lakes. Don’t put your health on hold, and schedule your medical appointment today.

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